Study of Needs from Users’ Experiences Promoting the Mathematical Literacy for Lower Primary School Students

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Kittipol Suwannatrai
Wannatida Yonwilad
Paweena Khansila


This research aimed to study the needs from the users’ experiences promoting the mathematical literacy for lower primary school students. The target group included 6 mathematic teachers under Basic Education Committee in Mukdaharn Province, 50 lower primary school students, and 5 designers. The research instruments covered the questionnaire form to collect the data from who concerned, the form for collecting the data to determine the interview guidelines and the interview form for the mathematical literacy from the users’ experiences. This research contained the designed thinking including; Phase 1: analysis and survey with Stage 1: problem understanding, Stage 2: problem defining and Stage 3: thinking creation. These action stages became the study support for the needs on the mathematical literacy to design the innovation to promote the mathematical literacy for lower primary school students. The data were collected from the interview form in 5 dimensions, composing of roles, feeling emotion, perceptions, attitudes and behaviors. The data analysis with the qualitative data was analyzed by the content analysis. The research results exposed that: 1) the needs of teachers, students and designers became related the mathematical literacy promotion, concrete media correlated to the content and school contexts, 2) the users’ experiences in 5 mathematical literacy dimensions implied that: 2.1) the role dimension was mostly learning and teaching management based on the self-aptitude, emphasizing teaching following the learning management plans and school contexts, 2.2) the feeling emotion dimension showed that this teacher group felt the students were rather poor in the background having to adapt the contents and students themselves, 2.3) the perception dimension illustrated that teachers perceived from the students’ doing homework and test results from those students who were not rather poor and without the enthusiasm in those their stories, 2.4) the attitude dimension showed that the students did not like mathematics, enabling the lack of attention, and 2.5) the behavioral dimension implied that teachers and students’ participated in promoting the mathematical literacy, comprising being pleased to take the innovation derived from this research to use in their own learning and teaching management in order to promote the mathematical literacy.


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