The Plural Identity of Yoot Saeng-Uthai

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Watchalawalee Kumboonreung


After the 2006 Coup d’état, the reformist scholars questioned on the mainstream legal explanation regarding the sovereignty of the king and traced back to Yoot Saeng-Uthai’s explanation on the monarchical institution in particular. With this regard, Yoot’s identity has been seen as a lawyer of constitutionalism that presents in various forms; for example, debates, academic journals, textbooks, and etc.

This article draws on Yoot Saeng-uthai’s identity from a different view, abandoned for a decade. By focusing on Yoot’s “legal professional” identity during Plaek (Jomphon Por) Phibhunsongkhram’s government and his opinions conveyed in compromising authoritarian coup, this observation helps to illustrate portrayal of Yoot in the different angle that would fulfil understanding and delineate the influence of pivotal legal scholar’s thought affecting on Thai legal system.

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How to Cite
Kumboonreung, W. (2018). The Plural Identity of Yoot Saeng-Uthai. CMU Journal of Law and Social Sciences, 11(2), 55–86. retrieved from
Academic Article


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