Happiness of Self-Reliance with Elderly in Countryside Phu Rua, Loei


  • Montira Jundaharn Master of Education Program Counseling and counseling courses Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • Jirasuk Suksawat Academic Counseling and Psychological Counseling Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University


Happiness, Self-reliance, Latest stage of life, Elderly people, Rural community


The objectives of this study were (1) to study the happiness level of elderly people in rural communities of Phu Ruea district, Loei province and (2) to study the happiness experiences obtained from self-reliance practice in the latest stage of life of elderly people in rural communities of Phu Ruea district, Loei province. This research was a mixed-method study with the use of successive explanation method.  The first stage was the quantitative study.  The research sample consisted of 310 elderly people randomly.  Data were collected by a questionnaire containing question items on personal background data and a happiness assessment scale with the total reliability coefficient of .92. Statistics employed for data analysis were mean and standard deviation. The second stage was a qualitative study.  The main informants were eight elderly people, aged 60 years or over residing in rural communities of Phu Ruea district, Loei province, having happiness scores at the middle level, being able to communicate well, and willing to participate in this research study of 8 elderly people. In-depth interviews were employed as the data collection with the use of a semi-structured interview form. Data were analyzed by context and content analyses.  The analysis process included decoding of statements and grouping them based on similarity of their meanings, then categorizing them into sub-issues, and finally making conclusions of main issues. Research findings showed that the elderly people had happiness scores at the moderate level regarding happiness obtained from self-reliance practice in the latest stage of life of elderly people in rural communities of Phu Ruea district, Loei province, the following four main issues were found as follows: (1) having happiness scores are at the moderate level, (2) receiving the supports from their own families, (3) receiving helps from the society, and (4) living in the life facilitating environment.


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How to Cite

Jundaharn, M., & Suksawat, J. (2018). Happiness of Self-Reliance with Elderly in Countryside Phu Rua, Loei. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 12(2), 515–530. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/GraduatePSRU/article/view/104626



Research Article