Guidelines for Development of Enhancement to Reading for Junior High School Students under the Office Phichit Primary Education Service Area 1 By using the Matrix Analysis Technique
Enhancement to Reading, Junior high school students, Matrix Analysis TechniqueAbstract
The objectives of this research were to study the students' reading habits, the factors affecting to reading habits using the Matrix Analysis Technique, and to study the developmental guidelines to promote the students’ reading habits of Secondary Schools in Phichit Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 in 4 items: family and society, teachers and teaching activities, education resources (library), and activities to promote reading habits. The sample groups are 338 Junior high school students under the Office Phichit Primary Education Service Area 1 in academic year 2017, 8 teachers and librarian who taught and worked at the Junior High School under the Office Phichit Primary Education Service Area 1, and they had outstanding work in the event of a passion for promoting the annual reading habit. The research tools were questionnaires and interviews. The statistics used to analyze data were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and matrix analysis.
The research found that the reading behavior of students was less than other activities. Most are the comic books because of the fun. Families play a role in promoting reading. Analysis results with matrix, the area should be developed to find ways to promote reading habits, including family and society. The family and society or community should promote and support the promotion of reading, such as arranging space for books in the home or community. Being a role model in reading, motivating reading, promoting reading. Taking children to the book exhibition or book fair.
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