Construction and Development of Training Program for Teachers Entitled Mangkhla Band Course on Mangkhala Music Band of the Office for Cultural Heritage of Local Wisdom of Lower Northern


  • Utnan Boonmuang Doctor of Philosophy Program in Cultural Science, Faculty of Cultural Science, Mahasarakham University
  • Prarop Kaoses Faculty of Cultural Science, Mahasarakham University
  • Ying Kiratiburana Faculty of Cultural Science, Mahasarakham University


Mangkhla band, Construction and development of training program, Local wisdom of Lower Northern Thailand


The objective of this research were 1) to study the history of Mangkhla band in the lower Northern area,
2) to study a problem condition and needs of construction and development of training program entitled Mangkhla band of the lower Northern Thailand and 3) to create and develop a training program entitled Mangkhla band of the lower Northern Thailand by using qualitative research. The samples of this study were 99  people including Mangkhla musicians, cultural people, philosophers, teachers in academic institutes in the lower Northern area by purposive sampling. The samples were 25 people in workshop for training course criticism of teachers entitled Mangkhla band including cultural executive, Mangkhla band expert, course and teaching professional and relevant people in Mangkhla band. Research tools were basic questionnaire,  structured interview, in-depth interview, participatory and non-participatory observation, focus group and workshop. Data analysis and presentation of research result using analytical description method.

The results were found that Mangkhla band had received a role model from 5 instruments of Sri Lanka via Nakhon Si Thammarat to Sukhothai Kingdom. In the past their name was Mangkhla band based on Sri Lanka and then was called Pee-Klong band or Mangkhla band depends on the areas where they were played in the Lower Northern Thailand. In terms of a problem condition and needs of construction and development of training program were found that most people need to create and develop course training in Mangkhla band. Due to the fact that they lack of musicians recently, the decreasing performance opportunity, the subject in academic institute does not have knowledge and music playing correctly. In terms of creation and development a training program entitled Mangkhla band of the lower Northern Thailand to conserve this local wisdoms, it was found that the this workshop was beneficial in terms of correct content, content sequencing suitable for students learning and practicing by utilizing various motivational instructions and they can develop themselves continually.


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How to Cite

Boonmuang, U., Kaoses, P., & Kiratiburana, Y. (2018). Construction and Development of Training Program for Teachers Entitled Mangkhla Band Course on Mangkhala Music Band of the Office for Cultural Heritage of Local Wisdom of Lower Northern. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 13(1), 186–202. Retrieved from



Research Article