The Development of Quality World–Class Standard School Strategies in the Lower North Area


  • Sirima Peayoo Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Kamphaengphet Rajabhat University
  • Supapon Pongpinyoopas Faculty of Education, Kamphaengphet Rajabhat University
  • Kwandow Jamjang Faculty of Science and Technology Kamphaengphet Rajabhat University


Strategy, Development of quality, World–class standard school, Lower north area


This research aimed to develop the strategies of world class standard school’s quality development. The procedure was divided into 3 steps as follows: 1) Studying the states, problems, need, and factor related to world class standard school’s quality development in the lower north area and then collect the data from questionnaire and focus group discussion of administrators and teachers.  The data were analyzed by using frequency, mean, and standard deviation.   2) Developing strategies were processed by examining the document and interviewing the personnel in the thriving world class standard school. Organizing  the workshop with world class standard school’s administrators, personnel, and the expert for making draft strategies. In addition, connoisseurship with expert for development came afterwards. 3) Evaluating the readjusted strategies with the experts through evaluation from and analyzing data by mean and standard deviation.

The study showed that

  1. The quality world class standard school was tended to be superiority in academic achievement and admission towards domestic and international university. However, the quality of making a contact with other schools both domestic and foreign areas was at a low level which meant that school did not consist of co-operation of other schools to provide the cooperative helps. The state schools were implemented with the standard school curriculum also including benchmarking and developing quality of world class standard school curriculum. The problems including the low level of foreign language efficiency of students occurred in the classroom, their shortage of knowledge experience and resources interchange with other schools. The needs of requirement were a lesson plan that emphasized critical thinking and creative thinking through multi-media innovation project, encouragement of using digital media in classroom, measurement and evaluation including academic document publicity for both online and offline, Encourage of using research-based, media, and innovations constantly, administrative knowledge exchange from domestic and foreign areas. For the factors Thai related to the world class standard school’s quality development in the Lower North Area, the cultivated and highly experienced administrator was the strength, while the school’s resources mobilization for being superior in academic achievement was the weak point. The external factor revealed the stability and security of government would facilitate the school’s quality development was opportunity dimension; social life is not realized to communicate in foreign languages and there is no public mind.
  2. The Strategies of World Class Standard School’s Quality Development in the Lower North Area consisted of visions, missions, strategy points, objectives, strategies, indicators, and the measures. The provided strategies were composed of 11 dimensions: 1) Developing the students’ potential to world class standard as being superiority in academic achievement. 2) Systematically and continuously developing the characteristics of world population to students. 3) Supporting and developing the talented students to enter international competition. 4) Developing the system of curriculum administration towards world-class standard. 5) Promoting the new curriculum emphasizing on universality. 6) Improving the use of information technology and the ability of foreign language to students. 7) Urgently develop instruction in the classroom teaching students the characteristics of world population.
    8) Encourage teachers to convert themselves to world class standard teachers. 9) Developing administration systems into the school to world class standard level. 10) Making a contact with world class standard school both domestic and foreign areas. 11) Encourage the administrators to use information technology and communication to govern the school.
  3. The evaluation result of the Strategies of World Class Standard School’s Quality Development in the Lower North Area indicated that accordance, suitability, possibility, and usefulness are at very high levels.


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How to Cite

Peayoo, S., Pongpinyoopas, S., & Jamjang, K. (2018). The Development of Quality World–Class Standard School Strategies in the Lower North Area. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 12(1), 260–274. Retrieved from



Research Article