Model-Based Learning with Augmented Reality for Enhancing Mental Models in Covalent Bond Topic


  • Theerata Chatwan Master of Education Program in Chemistry, Faculty of Education, Naresuan University
  • Thitiya Bongkotphet Faculty of Education, Naresuan University
  • Anusorn Vorasingha Master of Education Program in Chemistry, Faculty of Education, Naresuan University


Model Based-Learning with Augmented Reality Technology, Mental Models, Covalent bond


This action research aimed to study how to use model-based learning with augmented reality technology strategies to promote students’ mental models and its effect on students’ mental models in covalent bond topic. The participants were 49 tenth grade students from a school in lower northern part of Thailand. The research instruments included learning management observation form, mental model questionnaire, students’ artifacts and interview about instants. The data were analyzed by content analysis in order to categorize students' mental models and find the percentage of each the mental model level.

The results indicated that four steps of model-based learning with Augmented Reality technology strategies for developing students’ mental models in covalent bond topic should be as follows. Creation of the model, teacher reviews the content before learning and should present everyday situations related to the covalent bond. Expression of the model, teacher uses questions to motivate students to express their mental model and use various models that are suitable for the covalent bonding. Test of the model, teacher introduces how to use augmented reality and then asks questions to motivate students to find the relationship between information and their models in order to revise their models. Evaluation of the model, students practice to evaluate their models. Furthermore, the results developing students’ mental models indicated that the majority of students held correct mental models in 3 topics (54.35%) which covalent network crystals topic was most developed mental models according to the scientific model.


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How to Cite

Chatwan, T., Bongkotphet, T., & Vorasingha, A. (2018). Model-Based Learning with Augmented Reality for Enhancing Mental Models in Covalent Bond Topic. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 13(1), 266–281. retrieved from



Research Article