Research and Development of Sufficiency School Effective Administrative Model


  • Wannarak Hongthong Doctor of Philosophy Program in Research and Development in Education, Faculty of Education, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University
  • Chonchakorn Wora-in Faculty of Education, Thepsatri Rajabhat University
  • Anucha Kornpuang Faculty of Education, Naresuan University


Sufficiency school effective administrative model, Causal relationship model of success in sufficiency school administration


This research aims to create a causal relationship model of success in sufficiency school administration as well as to develop a sufficiency school effective administrative model. The researchers have set up 2 experimental methods. For the first method, this method is to create a causal relationship model of success in sufficiency school administration by studying from documents concerning concepts, theories, and other related researches, then drafting a model following with checking the relationship between a causal relationship model of success in sufficiency school administration and empirical data. The questionnaires were distributed for data collection from 300 schools under the Office of Primary Education. There were 540 people responding to the questionnaires. These people were from 5 Northern provinces per education area, and 7 Central provinces per education area and they were selected by the method of Multi-Stage Sampling Random. The sample group in this first method includes school administrators, as well as responsible teachers of sufficiency school project. For the second method, it is to develop sufficiency school effective administrative model by taking the result of relationship checking from the first method to create a draft of sufficiency school effective administrative model. Then, the data were taken through the progress of Connoisseurship with 17 experts in order to find the quality of this model.

A causal relationship model of success in sufficiency school administration that has been created consists of 4 latent variables which can be measured from 15 observable variables. The model has related with empirical data at a good level. The success of sufficiency school administration has been influenced directly from school administrators’ leadership by 0.47 which has shown the statistical importance of .01. Also, the success has been influenced directly from the external environment by 0.17 which has shown the statistical importance of .01. In contrast, the success has been influenced indirectly from school administrators’ leadership by 0.22 and the total of 0.68 which has shown the statistical importance of .01. Moreover, the success has been influenced indirectly from the external environment through the school management by 0.13, and the total of 0.30 which has shown the statistical importance of .01, chronologically.

A sufficiency school effective administrative model is an administrative model with systematic progress consisting of intake factors, progress, outcome, and evaluation reflecting such development in every progress. For the aspect of intake factors, they consist of main factors such as the adapting of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, leadership among changes, ability in strategic management, and supporting factors such as sharing atmosphere, conditions of societies and cultures, policies from the head office, as well as social economics. For the aspect of progress, it means management such as human resource, academic work, budget, and general management. For the aspect of outcome or key index for success, they include achievements of learners, teachers and staff, as well as administrators, and schools that have been through the progress of Connoisseurship for checking, criticizing, and giving suggestions for some improvements of such model. It was found that a sufficiency school effective administrative model is correct, related, and possible. There was one suggestion in taking out the observable variable which was not statistically important from such model – social economics.


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How to Cite

Hongthong, W., Wora-in, C., & Kornpuang, A. (2018). Research and Development of Sufficiency School Effective Administrative Model. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 13(1), 105–118. Retrieved from



Research Article