The Curriculum Development Process Higher Education: A Case Study of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University


  • Lookkhwan In-klai Program in Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education Science, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University
  • Phongluck Jitgaroon Program in Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education Science, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University
  • Wiraporn Pongajarn Program in Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education Science, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University


The Curriculum Development Process of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, Suggestion for Curriculum Development


This study was one part of the research on “Guidelines for Developing the Curriculum Development Process of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University according to Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education, TQF 2009 and the Curriculum Standards of Higher Education 2015” This study focused on the curriculum development process based on Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education, TQF 2009 and the Curriculum Standards of Higher Education 2015. The instruments used in this research were questionnaires on curriculum development process of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University based on the 7-Step Talbot's development principles; the survey was conducted on the level of practice and suggestions for curriculum development. The samples were 337 teachers who took responsibility for the curriculum they worked for at Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University. Quantitative data were analyzed by using mean/standard deviation, and content analysis with conclusion. The research revealed that teachers used the seven-step development of Taba's curriculum development in the development of the curriculum of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University as a whole which was in high level. When considering individual step, it found that each  step was also in high level, especially in step 7, “Determining what to evaluate and how to evaluate” was the highest mean scores, and the first step "Diagnosing needs (exploring social needs and learner needs)" was in the lowest mean scores. The teachers in the curriculum gave the suggestions for curriculum development in each aspect from the highest important to the lowest important  respectively as "The teachers who were selected to work for each curriculum should have their qualification that meet the curriculum standards in higher education in 2015", "The curriculum development process should be in line with the curriculum development principle", "The satisfaction of persons who our graduate students work for should be taken into account in curriculum development, "There should be the survey in the needs of continuing education for our students and the need to use our students in all curriculums.", There should be the sufficient budget in allocation  to develop the curriculum.", and "There should be the training course in the curriculum development process for teachers. "


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How to Cite

In-klai, L. ., Jitgaroon, P. ., & Pongajarn, W. . (2019). The Curriculum Development Process Higher Education: A Case Study of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University . Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 14(1), 158–174. Retrieved from



Research Article