The Study of Needs Asessment in the Development of the On-line Examination Management System and the Item Bank to Provide Feedback for Secondary School Students by the Application of Item Response Theory
Needs Assessment, On-line Examination Management, Item Bank, Provide Feedback, Item Response TheoryAbstract
This research aims to study 4 aspects of needs assesment in the development of the On-line Examination Management System and the Item Bank to Provide Feedback for Secondary School Students by the Application of Item Response Theory which are 1) The online examination management system and the item bank program guidebook 2) The online examination management system and the item bank program 3) Providing effective feedback to develop learners 4) The benefits of using the online examination management system and the item bank. The sample group was the group of 285 school directors teachers and supervisors under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 38-42 by using multi-stage sampling method. The research instrument was a questionnaire containing a mean value between 0.71-1.0 and a reliability value of 0.98. The data analysis was conducted by using Priority Need Index with Modified Needs Indexing technique. The research result found that the needs assesment in the development of the On-line Examination Management System and the Item Bank to Provide Feedback for Secondary School Students by the Application of Item Response Theory could be arranged in descending order as follow: 1. Providing effective feedback to develop learners (PNIModified = 0.67) 2. The online examination management system and the item bank program (PNIModified = 0.64) 3. The benefits of using the online examination management system and the item bank (PNIModified = 0.62) and 4. The online examination management system and the item bank program guidebook (PNIModified = 0.60).
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