The Development of Training Program to Enhance Competency of Using IWB in Instruction of Teachers in Schools under Phitsanulok and Sukhothai Primary Educational Service Area Offices


  • Piyamanas Voravitrattanakul Faculty of Education, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University


IWB, training program, competency of using IWB


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the using of IWB and the need of training program to enhance competency using of IWB in instructional of teachers in schools under Phitsanulok and Sukhothai primary educational service area offices 2) to construct training program 3) to implement training program and 4) to evaluate training program. The instrument used in this research were training program, questionnaire and test. The data was analyzed by mean, S.D., percentage, content analysis, Wilcoxon signed ranks test and effectiveness index. The findings showed that: 1) The results of the use of IWB and the need for training programs found that there were 139 responses with IWB in school (34.75%) and majority of these responses had 1 IWB in school (59.71%) and 126 responses who had IWB which ready to use (90.65%) but only 74 teachers has used IWB in instructional (18.50%) and teachers who used IWB often more than 80% of time in teaching were 2 teachers (2.70%).  Most usage patterns were used to write or to draw replaced the regular board (Blackboard or Whiteboard) 68 responses (36.95%). There were 254 teachers (63.50%) who wanted to enhance their competency of using IWB with training programs covering 4 topics: Installation IWB, Basic usage of IWB, Using with other media, and Creating Interactive PowerPoint (IPPT). The most topic needs were Basic using IWB 239 answers (33.90%). 2) The result of construct  training program consists of 7 components as follows: (1) Principles of training (2) Training objectives (3) Training managers and trainees (4) Training materials (5) Training content (6) Process of training and (7) Training assessment. The content of the training were 4 units, namely Unit 1 Program installation and board setting, Unit 2 Basic usage of IWB, Unit 3 Use of other media Assembling using the board, and Unit 4 Creating Interactive PowerPoint (IPPT). 3) The results of using the training program found that the mean score of pretest was 17.17, the standard deviation was 4.07 and mean score of posttest was 22.67, the standard deviation was 5.47. Posttest score was higher than Pretest score with statistically significant at the level of 0.05. 4) Evaluation of results obtained from the participants of the training as a whole was at the highest level. The average value was 4.64. The standard deviation was 0.26 and the evaluation of the efficiency index was 42.86.


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How to Cite

Voravitrattanakul, P. (2019). The Development of Training Program to Enhance Competency of Using IWB in Instruction of Teachers in Schools under Phitsanulok and Sukhothai Primary Educational Service Area Offices. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 13(2), 517–532. retrieved from



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