Process-Driven Education Technology in schools under the Office of Private Education in Southern Border


  • Khunarnan Niramol Program in Educational Technology and Communications, Faculty of Education, Thaksin University
  • Krittayakan Topithak Program in Education Department, Faculty of Education, Naresuan University
  • Chatchawan Chumruksa Program in Educational Technology and Communications, Faculty of Education, Thaksin University
  • Chintana Kasinant Program in Educational Technology and Communications, Faculty of Education, Thaksin University
  • Sinchai Suwanmanee Program in Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, Thaksin University
  • Chatchawi Kaewmanee Kaewmanee Program in Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, Thaksin University
  • Khanchai Sae-tae Program in Educational Technology and Communications, Faculty of Education, Thaksin University


Process-driven education technology, Technology education network


This research aims (1) to evaluate the need of using technology for teachers’ learning management (2) to develop and evaluate process-driven education technology in schools affiliation of Office of the Private Education Commission in southern border provinces. Target groups are (1) 1 administrator (2) 2 school teachers who were responsible for media and materials (3) 2 teachers of learning areas from 12 schools affiliation of Office of the Private Education Commission in southern border provinces with the total of 60 participants. Research tools were issues of group dialogue questions, evaluation form of using teachers’ skill using technology for learning management, students’ follow-up learning. Data analysis was inductive summary, Means, Standard Deviation, Frequency, Percentages and The Wilcoxon Signed Rank test.The research results were as follows: 1. School teachers' affiliation of Office of the Private Education Commission in southern border provinces needed (1) the aspect of materials and equipment’s : initial development is resolved by using Google Application in order to aligned with the basic materials in schools. (2) the aspect of technology for learning management: the use of Google Application is required in learning management of courses (3) the aspect of training: using school-base training.(4) the aspect of time: the training days are considered as holidays. 2. The process-driven education technology in school affiliation of Office of the Private Education Commission in southern border provinces consisted of concepts and structures of process. These structures were (1) realization  (2) courtship  (3) commitment 4) action group with steps of PDCA (P: Prepare; D: Develop; C:Check and A: ACT) and 5) network through 5 action plans of 48 hours with a copy of handbook. The evaluations of process-driven in school affiliation of Office of the Private Education Commission in southern border provinces were as follows:  the correct principles in the high level, appropriate contexts, useful benefits and possible application in nearly high level to high level. 3. The evaluations of using process-driven in school affiliation of Office of the Private Education Commission in southern border provinces were found that : The means of teachers’ skill using technology for learning management after participating in the process was higher than before participating in the process with the statistical significance at .01. Students’ learning results after using technology for learning management were at level 5 (5.28%), level 4 (46.13%), level 3 (37.32%), and level 2 (11.27%).

Author Biography

Khunarnan Niramol, Program in Educational Technology and Communications, Faculty of Education, Thaksin University

Krittayakan  Topithak, Ph.D.
School of Evaluation and Research,
Faculty of Education,
Thaksin University
Muang, Songkha
90000 Thailand


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How to Cite

Niramol, K. ., Topithak, K. ., Chumruksa, C. ., Kasinant, C. ., Suwanmanee, S. ., Kaewmanee, C. K., & Sae-tae, K. . (2020). Process-Driven Education Technology in schools under the Office of Private Education in Southern Border. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 14(1), 229–247. Retrieved from



Research Article