The Strategic Development of Achievement for The Medium-sized Primary Schools Under Office of the Basic Education Commission in the Northeast


  • Wijit Narong Program in Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, Udon Thani Rajabhat University
  • Udom Jumrasphan Faculty of Education, Udon Thani Rajabhat University
  • Pitch Chayayon Faculty of Education, Udon Thani Rajabhat University


Strategy, Enhance achievement, Medium-sized primary schools


The objective of this research is to create and develop strategy to enhance achievement of medium-sized primary schools under Office of the Basic Education Commission in the Northeast. The analysis was conducted using Delphi Technique for
3 rounds. The samples used in the Delphi Technique are 22 people who are involved in education management. The analysis was divided into 2 stages including 1) Creating the strategy to enhance the achievement: Research tool used was in-depth questions, and the researchers conducted the interview and analyzed data descriptively, 2) Developing the strategy to enhance the achievement: Research tool used was a 5 scale-rating questionnaire. In terms of data collection, the researcher sent and collected questionnaires through post office. Data analysis for statistical values was conducted through the analysis of median and inter quartiles range. Research Findings. The results found that the strategies to enhance the achievement of medium-sized primary schools under Office of the Basic Education Commission in the Northeast consisted of 5 strategies as follows: Strategy 1: promoting the management of learning of learners to the full capacity has 13 activities. Strategy 2: promoting teachers to be personnel who can effectively manage teaching and learning has 10 activities. Strategy 3: promoting the administrators of education institutions to have full capacity as required by their roles has 15 activities. Strategy 4: effective internal and external supervision has 7 activities. Strategy 5: Participation of committee of education institutions, parents, community and network has 8 activities. All strategies and activities are consistent and consensus with a median of 3.50 and inter quartile range not over 1.50.


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How to Cite

Narong, W., Jumrasphan, U., & Chayayon, P. (2018). The Strategic Development of Achievement for The Medium-sized Primary Schools Under Office of the Basic Education Commission in the Northeast. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 13(2), 319–334. Retrieved from



Research Article