The Development of a Set of Local Science Activities on the Diversity of Indigenous Knowledge to Promote the Ability to Perform Notable Activities in the Association of Young Scientists of 6th Grade Students


  • Jakarapong Boontangeen Center for Promotion and Development of Genius in Scientific Research for Children and Youth People, Chiang Mai Province



Local Wisdom, Scientific Activity Module, Young Scientists Club


The purposes of the research were to 1) to study and develop a set of science and indigenous knowledge activities that promote notable activities in the young scientists association 2) to study the development of scientific process skills after using science activity sets and indigenous knowledge of 6th grade students and 3) study ability the notable activities in the young scientists association after using local science activity sets. The sample group in this research was the 60, 6th grade students, academic year 2019, Santisuksa School. Materials used to collect data were 1) science activity set with indigenous knowledge, 2) science process skill test, and 3) assessment form for ability to perform notable activities in 6th grade students. Analyzed data by using descriptive statistics such as; 1) average (gif.latex?\bar{X} ), 2) percentage (%) and
3) standard deviation (S.D.). The research found that, 1) science activity set with indigenous knowledge; the subject is diversity in indigenous knowledge 6th grade students and it had the efficiency of E1 / E2 at 87.20 / 83.30 which is higher than the standard set by using a 80/80 criteria. 2) The achievement in the science process skill development of students after teaching by using activity packages had a higher scores after studying at the statistical significance of 0.01 and, 3) the 6th grade students had the ability to perform notable activities in the young scientists association of each group of students, 2 groups of students had the ability to perform notable activities in the young scientists association at an excellent level, and another 4 groups had the ability to perform notable activities in the young scientists association at a good level.


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How to Cite

Boontangeen, J. . . (2020). The Development of a Set of Local Science Activities on the Diversity of Indigenous Knowledge to Promote the Ability to Perform Notable Activities in the Association of Young Scientists of 6th Grade Students. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 15(1), 252–267.



Research Article