The Research and Development of Expansion Opportunities for Thai Hotels Industry


  • Petcharut Viriyasuebphong Faculty of Management and Tourism, Burapha University
  • Petprakai Kultangwattana Faculty of Liberal Arts and Management Science, Kasetsart University Chalermphrakiat



Expansion Opportunities, Thai Hotels Industry


The research and development of expansion opportunities for Thai Hotels Industry was conducted for three main objectives; 1) to provide information for making decisions about developing and expansion opportunities for Thai Hotels Industry 2) to assess the value of empowerment management of Thai Hotels Industry and 3) to evaluate alternatives decisions about the development and expansion opportunities for Thai Hotels Industry. The research is a qualitative research by conducting in-depth interviews with three target groups consists of hotel entrepreneurs’ Eastern part of Thailand; professors and scholars from educational institutions; representatives of government agencies. The data were analyzed by content analysis. The finding show that there are many positive factors and the opportunity to support the development and growth of Thai Hotels Industry meanwhile there are many barriers and threats that business sector are facing as well. The hotel entrepreneurs have cluster together in order to find the solution to the problem by conducting empowerment management to create value in the learning process, to explore needs and goals of the member, and to find the solution to the problem, then propose the proposals to the related government agencies. The conclusion of in-depth interviews presents the approach of development and expansion opportunities for Thai Hotels Industry by establishing the policy committee to prepare the Master Plan of Thai Hotels Industry that all sectors have involved. In addition, to present the action plan follows four strategic alternative approaches in order to enhance competencies to the hotel entrepreneurs in the future.


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How to Cite

Viriyasuebphong, P. ., & Kultangwattana, P. . (2020). The Research and Development of Expansion Opportunities for Thai Hotels Industry. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 15(1), 91–103.



Research Article