Value Chain Concept of Processed Agricultural Products for Development Ability in Marketing Skills of Farmers in Lampang Province to Support Smart Farmer Project


  • Thatsaporn Srisook Faculty of Business Administration and Public Administration, Nation University
  • Nirumol Hiranwijitporn Faculty of Communication Arts, Nation University
  • Subin Kaewtem Mae Phrik District Agricultural Extension office Department of Agricultural Extension


Value chain, Processed agricultural products, Marketing, Smart farmer Project


This research was funded by the National Research Council of Thailand in fiscal year of 2016. The objectives are to study value chain activities of processed agricultural products of Lampang Province’s Farmers, and to analyze value chain activities of processed agricultural products affecting development ability in marketing skills of farmers in Lampang Province to support Smart Farmer Project and to present direction in value chain activities of processed agricultural products affecting development ability in marketing skills of farmers in Lampang Province in order to push forward for support of Smart Farmer Project. Research and development (R&D) includes activities collaborated between state agencies, educational institutions and a group of processed agricultural product farmers, aiming to integrate marketing capability development from beginning, middle and ending trails  with  the concept of a value chain. Total 26 groups were selected based on the “Exchange Learning Stage”, then selected the potential groups for ability development in marketing skills on the concept of a value chain  with research tools of workshop training, focus group and in-depth interview. The research findings suggested that one group of processed agricultural product farmers at Lampang, among 26 selected groups from the beginning, left the project. Therefore, only 25 groups consisted of a group of processed agricultural product housewives, a group of processed agricultural product enterprise and a group once participated in training for Smart Farmer project for Lampang farmers’ development remained. Initially, 9 groups were ready for extending project, but only 6 groups were ready for value chain marketing skill training in processed agricultural product through workshop. The findings from earlier operation suggested that every product group has encountered different product elements. Such problem was used as the database in the analysis to raise product standard that could access market varieties. Later on, the middle operational activities found that once the assigned farmer groups passed the workshop training, all groups had increased their knowledge on value added through building brand, finding alternatives and creative packaging so that the products could enter the distribution channel in the Modern Trade. As for the ending  activities, the findings suggested that all farmers group could apply acquired knowledge to design the product, take photo with their own mobile phones and post their own products for sale as well as practice building marketing communication tools and online marketing channel for their own group products.


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How to Cite

Srisook, T. ., Hiranwijitporn, N. ., & Kaewtem, S. . (2020). Value Chain Concept of Processed Agricultural Products for Development Ability in Marketing Skills of Farmers in Lampang Province to Support Smart Farmer Project. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 14(2), 505–521. retrieved from



Research Article