Factors of Market Innovativeness of Community-Based Tourism Leadership Affecting Organization Performance


  • Primada Bualuang Program in Management, Faculty of Management Science Phetchabun Rajabhat University




Innovative Behavior, Antecedents to Innovativeness, Market Innovativeness, Performance


The objective of this research is to study innovative behavior and antecedents to innovativeness of community-based tourism leadership that affect the market innovativeness and organization performance in community-based tourism in Phetchaboon Province. One of independence factor is innovative behavior which consists of idea generation, idea promotion and idea realization. Another one is antecedents to innovativeness that consist of entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation and learning orientation. The data was collected from community-based tourism leadership in eleven communities of nine districts. The communities are selected from project of local economy move forward from civil state to promote community-based tourism in Phetchaboon Province. Questionnaires were used and collected from 394. The data were statistically analyzed in term of mean, standard deviation and also multiple linear regression analysis with significance 95%. The result of this study shows that three factors of innovative behavior affects to market innovativeness. One of three factors that mostly affects the market innovative is idea promotion. Moreover, the result also shows that two of three factors of antecedents to innovativeness affect to market innovativeness. One of two factors that mostly affects to market innovativeness is market orientation. The research presents that both of innovative behavior and antecedents to innovativeness affect to organization performance. In part of innovative behavior, idea generation and idea promotion affect to performance. In part of antecedents to innovativeness, only market orientation affect to performance. 


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How to Cite

Bualuang, P. . (2020). Factors of Market Innovativeness of Community-Based Tourism Leadership Affecting Organization Performance. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 15(1), 54–65. https://doi.org/10.14456//psruhss.2021.5



Research Article