Developing reading interpretationt skills in Thai literature of mathayomsuksa 1-6 students with the innovation of plant rhyme in Thai literature


  • Pongsakorn Sommit Program in Thai Language, Faculty of Education, Chiangrai Rajabhat University



Reading interpretationt skills, Plant rhyme in Thai literature


This research aimed to 1) develop innovative flora songs in Thai literature to achieve effective goal of 80/80 2) compare the ability to read and interpret the content of literature which has appearance of flora names and 3) study attitude of year 1-6 high school students toward learning flora songs from Thai literature. Samples used in the research consisted of a total number of 32 people of year 1 – 6 high school students. Only one group was used for testing before and after study by research tools including 1) one set of 10 innovative flora songs in Thai literature for different grade levels 2) instructional plan of Thai language learning for literary reading and interpretation using flora songs in Thai literature and 3) ability test quiz (before and after study) of reading and interpreting literary content which contained flora names. The test was composed of multiple choice questions. It was found that 1) the performance of innovative flora songs from Thai literature was equal to 84/87.50  2) the ability to read and interpret of 29 high school students (year 1-6) through innovative “Songs of plants in Thai literature” was greater than 80 percent (90.63%) and 3) the overall attitude of students toward learning with innovative flora songs in Thai literature was in a very good level.


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How to Cite

Sommit, P. . . (2020). Developing reading interpretationt skills in Thai literature of mathayomsuksa 1-6 students with the innovation of plant rhyme in Thai literature. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 15(1), 131–143.



Research Article