Miscarriage Phenomenon in Thai Society and Government aid Policy


  • Kittanon Masaning Program in Sociology and Anthropology, Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University




Miscarriage (scapegoat), Miscarriage Policy, Criminal Justice


The purpose of this article was to examine about Miscarriage (scapegoat) in Thai society which arising from a faulty process of Criminal Justice that leading to unfair judgement on innocent people whereof frequently appeared and reflected on Judicial Process that is defective on duties and certainly affected most of the people who cannot access into the justiced due to complexity, costly, and lack of process efficiency. This reinforces/stigma that “Prison is there to imprison The Poor”. However, the main function of the government to formulate policy by Prevention, correction, and remedy what has happened. There has been attempted to solve this problem through Miscarriage Policy but that just only emphasize on Correction and Remedy such as the temporary release by the risk assessment project (free release, no bail), Justice Fund Act B.E. 2558 and Damages for the Injured Person and Compensation and Expense for the Accused in Criminal Case Act, B.E. 2544 and Amendment (Act No.2) B.E. 2559 which The author suggest they should be added the Prevention of Problem as well as to propose the state/government to examine the work that involved by looking at the entire system in the process of the “upstream, midstream, downstream” process.


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How to Cite

Masaning, K. . . (2020). Miscarriage Phenomenon in Thai Society and Government aid Policy. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 15(1), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.14456//psruhss.2021.1



Academic article