Prayers, Happiness and Mental Health of Thai Buddhists


  • Jettapon Sangkla Amnatcharoen Campus, Mahidol University, Amnatcharoen 37000
  • Rossarin Gray Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University, Nakhon Pathom 73170



Prayers, Happiness, Mental health, Buddhists


This article aims to study and examine the relationships between demographic and social factors, prayers, happiness, and mental health of Thai Buddhists. The study used quantitative research and qualitative research. Quantitative data from a national survey in 2014 by the National Statistical Office are used. The samples are 30,997 Buddhists aged 15 years old and over. The Logistic regression analysis is used in this study. Qualitative data were collected using an in-depth interview method among 29 cases who pray regularly. The quantitative results found a positive and statistically significant correlation between prayers, happiness, and mental health, controlling for socio-demographic variables. In addition, the prayer has a chance to be happier and mentally healthy than those who do not pray. The qualitative reveals that praying is mindfulness during prayer which brings them calmness and happiness. Finally, prayers are an alternative activity to apply the benefits of prayers for happiness and mental health, and praying is appropriate to everyone.


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How to Cite

Sangkla, J. ., & Gray, R. . (2022). Prayers, Happiness and Mental Health of Thai Buddhists. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 16(1), 24–39.



Research Article