Model Development of Participatory Process in Moving Forward B.W.R. Principle (Home, Temple, School) in Order to Build Strong and Sustainable Communities: Case Study of Ban Khlong Toei Community, Bueng Kok Sub-district, Bangrakam District, Phitsanulok Province


  • Yuvadee Phongrod Program in Public administration, College of Local Management and Development, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University
  • Saowaluk Limsiriwong Program in Sociology and Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Naresuan University
  • Supasit Tana Program in Sociology and Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Naresuan University
  • Rotsukhon Pradit Program in Public administration, College of Local Management and Development, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University



Model Development, Participatory Process, Moving Forward B.W.R. Principle (Home, Temple, School), Order to Build Strong and Sustainable Communities


This research aims 1) to survey problems in moving forward B.W.R. Principle (Home, Temple, School) in order to build strong and sustainable communities, 2) to study participatory level of people in moving forward B.W.R. Principle (Home, Temple, School) in order to build strong and sustainable communities, and 3) to study model development of participatory process in moving forward B.W.R. Principle (Home, Temple, School) in order to build strong and sustainable communities: Case Study of Ban Khlong Toei Community, Bueng Kok Sub-district, Bangrakam District, Phitsanulok Province. The data collection was conducted by a quantitative research method using questionnaires given to the sample group categorized from “Taro Yamane” ready-to-use table at the deviation of .05 with 400 samples. The data were analyzed by using percentage, mean, standard deviation (S.D.). The results found that: 1) The survey of problems in moving forward B.W.R. Principle (Home, Temple, School) in order to build strong and sustainable communities demonstrated that problems of leaders from people’s views ranging from the most are temple leader, village leader, and school leader, respectively. In addition, problems of people’s participation from people’s views ranging from the most are people’s participation in religion activities, community activities, and school activities, respectively. Moreover, there is no problem shown concerning problems of government sector and private sector’s support in moving forward B.W.R. Principle (Home, Temple, School) in order to build strong and sustainable communities. 2) Participatory level of people in moving forward B.W.R. Principle (Home, Temple, School) in order to build strong and sustainable communities contained 5 aspects. It was found that overall was at a high level. When considered by each aspect, the aspect with the highest mean was the participatory aspect of information and news receiving. Next are the participatory aspect of opinion sharing and co-planning, the participatory aspect of operation and making decisions, the participatory aspect of receiving mutual benefits, and the participatory aspect of following-up and evaluation, respectively. 3) Model development of participatory process in moving forward B.W.R. Principle (Home, Temple, School) in order to build strong and sustainable communities showed that the core concept is the role of leaders-village leader, temple leader, and school leader according to B.W.R. Principle (Home, Temple, School). The community capital included local philosophers, cultures, traditions, local wisdoms which should connect community members to be as one. Moreover, what cannot be out of are supporting factors for participatory process to build strong from people community. The factors include government sector, private sector, people sector, as well as the participation of people according to B.W.R. Principle in the aspects of information and news receiving, opinion sharing and co-planning, making decisions, following-up and evaluation, and receiving mutual benefits. The most important things are being a learning community, a self-managed community, and a peaceful community. To clarify this point, being a peaceful community demonstrates how people in the community should have good heart,  be qualified, and be moral in order to lead forward to build a strong and sustainable community finally.


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How to Cite

Phongrod, Y. ., Limsiriwong, S. ., Tana, S., & Pradit, R. . (2021). Model Development of Participatory Process in Moving Forward B.W.R. Principle (Home, Temple, School) in Order to Build Strong and Sustainable Communities: Case Study of Ban Khlong Toei Community, Bueng Kok Sub-district, Bangrakam District, Phitsanulok Province. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 15(2), 502–516.



Research Article