Learning and Transferring Local Wisdom of Khanom Kong Making in Wat Chaiyo Worawihan Community, Ang Thong Province


  • Chutamas Peeraphatchara Faculty of Home Economics Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon, Bangkok 10300
  • Patcharanun Youngworawichian Institute of Research and Development, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon, Bangkok 10300
  • Inteema Hiran-akkharawong Faculty of Home Economics Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon, Bangkok 10300




Local wisdom, Khanom kong, Local curriculum


This research aimed to study about Khanom Kong, to develop a local wisdom curriculum in Khanom Kong making and to transfer a local curriculum of Khanom Kong local wisdom to members of the Chaiyo Worawiharn Temple community. The target groups for this research were the communities which own the wisdom of Khanom Kong making and distributing in the Chaiyo subdistrict municipality market and the Wat Chaiyo School students. The research tools were the note-taking form for local wisdom, the recipe form, the pre-test and post-test documents, and satisfaction survey form with in-depth interviews for the wisdom of Khanom Kong producing. Khanom Kong producing was demonstrated by VDO media and workshop for Mathayom 3 students of Wat Chaiyo School. Data of this research was analyzed by using content analysis techniques, statistics, frequency, percentage, means, standard deviation and t-test. The results found the knowledges of Khanom Kong cooking, the local wisdom in Chaiyo Sub-district, was received from the ancestors and learning by themself. Khanom Kong is one of fried dessert, the signature of Chaiyo Worawiharn temple community, which is 31⁄2 - 4 inches in diameter. It was made from roasted mung beans then soaked overnight, but it could be boiled instead. After that, it was mashed and stirred with coconut milk, coconut sugar, white grated coconut and glutinous rice flour. And then it was mixed until smooth, divided, rolled into long lines and shaped it looked like a circle. On the top, the mung bean paste was placed cross (Wheel shape). For the coating batter was prepared by glutinous rice flour or rice flour, duck egg, coconut milk, sugar and yeast flour, leavening agents sometimes mixed together. After that, wheel mung bean paste (Khanom Kong) was dipped in coating batter and deep fried until golden brown and crispy, drained on paper towels and served or packed in the container. For VDO media consisted of (1) 3 local methods from local wisdom of Khanom Kong, and (2) the 5 curriculums on 14 training hours. For knowledge transferring to Wat Chaiyo School students, found that the students' post-test score was statistically significantly higher than the pre-test score significance level at 0 .0 5 with the highest level of the satisfy level.


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How to Cite

Peeraphatchara, C. ., Youngworawichian, P., & Hiran-akkharawong, I. (2022). Learning and Transferring Local Wisdom of Khanom Kong Making in Wat Chaiyo Worawihan Community, Ang Thong Province. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 16(2), 537–548. https://doi.org/10.14456/psruhss.2022.40



Research Article