Factors Affecting Tourists’ Loyalty in Health Tourism, Spa, in Andaman Region


  • Wareeporn Chusri Business School, Hatyai University, Songkhla 90110
  • Wiwat Jankington Business School, Hatyai University, Songkhla 90110
  • Korkaew Jankingtong Business School, Hatyai University, Songkhla 90110
  • Woraluck Lalitsasivimol Business School, Hatyai University, Songkhla 90110




Health tourism, Spa, Loyalty of tourists


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the level of opinion of the motivation, marketing experience, perceived value, satisfaction and the loyalty of tourists in the Andaman region. 2) Study the causal relationship of factors affecting the loyalty of of tourists in the Andaman region. This research is a quantitative research for the population, which consists of using spa services for foreigners in hotels and resorts in Andaman provinces such as Phuket, Phang Nga and Krabi, collected from clients of hotels, resorts and spas, which are foreign countries, including Russia, Australia, Germany and the United Kingdom. In this study, establishments did not clearly compile the number of users therefore, the exact population is not known selecting a sample class with a proportion from each of the 200 provinces, depending on the sample size indicates that 200 or more sample sizes can be used in the SEM. Analysis structural equation analysis by Lisrel 8.72. The study found that the model has a causal relationship that influences the loyalty of tourists. fit model reveals that the RMSEA is 0.066 NNFI is 0.93, CFI is 0.92, SRMR is 0.064, and the chi-square in degrees of freedom is in the model is 2.07. The results of the hypothesis test are as follows: 1) The satisfaction of tourists has a direct influence on the loyalty of tourists to tourist attractions, hotels and resorts in the provinces of the Andaman region. 2) The experience market has a direct influence on 3) The perceived value of tourist tourism has a direct influence on the loyalty of tourists and 4) Motivation in tourism has no direct influence on the loyalty of tourists


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How to Cite

Chusri, W., Jankington, W. ., Jankingtong, K. ., & Lalitsasivimol, W. . (2022). Factors Affecting Tourists’ Loyalty in Health Tourism, Spa, in Andaman Region. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 16(2), 767–778. https://doi.org/10.14456/psruhss.2022.56



Research Article