Confirmatory Factor analysis professional skills of students at the vocational certificate level Automotive Technology Program Technical College under the Institute of Vocational Education Northern Region 4
Professional skills, Automotive technology, Confirmatory factor analysisAbstract
The purposes of this study were: 1) To synthesize indicators of professional skills' recognition of diploma students. Automotive Technical Program Technical College Under the Institute of Vocational Education, Northern Region 4, 2) To verify the structural validity of the professional skill perception indicator. Of Diploma students Automotive Technical Program Technical College Under the Vocational Education Institute, Northern Region 4, where the population used to study is a second-year senior diploma students in automotive technical fields who have passed 4 internships, namely KamphaengPhet Technical College. Nakhonsawan Technical College UthaiThani Technical College and Phichit Technical College of 418 people. The tools used in the research were the evaluation form for the recognition of professional skills in a 5-level estimation scale that has been through the quality evaluation process the content of content validity (IOC) was 1.0 and the confidence in the whole version was 0.942. Professional Skills Components of Diploma Students The automotive technical field consists of 7 main components: 1) lower engine work and automotive power transmission 2) automotive electrical work 3) modern automotive technology 4) diesel engine system electronically controlled 5) work Electronically controlled gasoline engine system
6) refrigeration and air conditioning and 7) automotive gas fuel work. With a total of 30 observable variables. The data showed good consistency of the model with the empirical data. The data were analyzed using the first confirmation elemental analysis technique. The weight values of all indicators were statistically significant at the .05 level, indicating that the student's professional skills' perception indicator model was structurally consistent.
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