Democratization model in Republic of Korea (South Korea) after World War II (1948-2017)


  • Issawut Onpocha College of Innovation and Management, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Bangkok 10300
  • Wijittra Srisorn College of Innovation and Management, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Bangkok 10300
  • Sunthan Chayanon College of Innovation and Management, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Bangkok 10300



Democratization, Republic of korea, South korea


The objectives of this research were to analyze the background and democratization in South Korea after World War II (1948-2017), to analyze the contributing and obstructing factors in the process of democratization in South Korea after World War II (1948-2017), and to find democratization model in Republic of Korea (South Korea) after World War II (1948-2017). This is a qualitative research, document analysis, in-depth interview with key-informants, focus group, and non-participant observation. The data were analyzed based on Miles & Huberman. Triangulation as a method for validation. The research findings showed that: South Korea was achieved democracy, the democratization (1) liberation from totalitarianism: the 19 April Revolution in 1960 until insurrection at Gwangju in 1980. The people began to realize and established NMHDC, leads to fight in June in 1987. The June 29 Declaration in 1987 was born. (2) Transition: a constitutional amendment and did according to declaration. (3) Consolidation: a smooth transformation of power, for build righteousness and supporting power toward democratic regime. The contributing factors were the strength of civil society, political leaders, the effects of economic development, the education expansion, the reliability of justice system, the external factors and globalization. Although political parties had non-institutionalization, regionalism was still, and the external military threats which not resulted in South Korea back to authoritarianism. And democratization model was ELTFC.


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How to Cite

Onpocha, I., Srisorn, W. . ., & Chayanon, S. . . (2021). Democratization model in Republic of Korea (South Korea) after World War II (1948-2017). Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 17(1), 366–387.



Research Article