Effect of Destination Image on Intention Revisit under Serial Mediation Analysis on Eco-Tourists in National Park Areas in the Northern Region of Thailand
Destination Image, Perceived Value, Satisfaction, Revisit Intention, Serial Mediation Analysis, Eco-Tourists in National ParkAbstract
The objectives of the research were (1) to study the image of destination, expectation, perceived value, satisfaction, and revisit intention of tourists visiting the national parks, and (2) to explore the influence of destination image on revisit intention under a serial mediation analyzes from the views of eco-tourists in the national park areas of northern Thailand. It is a quantitative research. The sample consisted of 1259 tourists who used to visit national parks in the Northern region. The research instrument was a questionnaire to analyze the data by descriptive statistics for percentage, mean, standard deviation. Inferential statistics analyzed serial mediation analysis. The results of the research showed that the tourists had a high level of revisit intentions, followed by expectation, destination image, satisfaction, and perceived value of tourists were at a moderate level for all factors. The results of the analysis of the influence of destination image on revisit intentions under the serial mediation from the point of view of tourists found that the path coefficient between the variables was almost significant, except the path of expectation to the intention of revisit intention. All indirect influence paths were significant or implied of the three interstitial variables: expectation, perceived value, and satisfaction which, whether intervening in any kind of path chain, all link the image of the destination to the intention of using the revisit intention very well.
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