Strategies for Managing Early Childhood Education in Schools Under Kamphaeng Phet Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 and Office 2


  • Sukanya Saengson Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kamphaeng Phet Rajabhat University, Kamphaeng Phet 62000
  • Supapon Pongpinyoopas Faculty of Education, Kamphaeng Phet Rajabhat University, Kamphaeng Phet 62000
  • Kwandow Jamjang Faculty of Science and Technology, Kamphaeng Phet Rajabhat University, Kamphaeng Phet 62000



Strategy, Education management, Childhood education


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the conditions the problems and the factors related to early childhood education 2) to develop the strategy for early childhood education 3) to evaluate the strategy of early childhood education. The research was divided into 3 steps. The first step, the informants consisted of early childhood teachers, the leaders of early childhood department, the directors and the experts. The research instruments were a questionnaire and focus group discussion. The data were analyzed using frequency distribution, mean, standard deviation and content analysis. The second step, the informants were the directors and the experts. The research instruments were document analysis form, interview form, workshop note and connoisseurship. The data were analyzed using content analysis. The third step, the informants were the experts. The research instrument was an assessment form. The data were analyzed using frequency distribution, mean, standard deviation.

  1. The condition of early childhood education management in educational institutions as a whole, in each aspect, and the most important item was development assessment. A calendar of early childhood developmental assessments is prepared every school year. and regularly assess the development of early childhood children The problem of early childhood education management in educational institutions as a whole, in each aspect, and the most problematic issue was in the preparation of the early childhood education curriculum. Lack of participation from all parties including improving the curriculum of early childhood education inconsistent with the information obtained from the examination and evaluation. The internal factors related to the management of early childhood education in educational institutions as a whole, in each aspect and in each item, was the budget. As for external factors related to early childhood education management in educational institutions, the overall picture, in each aspect, and on the item most were economic.
    It was found that educational institutions had budgets that were continuously supported by the private sector, communities, and education agencies. This makes the management of early childhood education more modern and appropriate activities.
  2. The strategy for early childhood education in schools under Kamphaeng Phet Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 and Office 2 was found that the developed strategies consisted of 11 strategies, 35 indicators, 72 measures.
  3. The results of the evaluation of early childhood education found that the evaluation results were in the highest levels. The strategy had the agreement, the appropriateness, the possibility and the utility of vision, mission, goals, issues, indicators and measures.


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How to Cite

Saengson, S. ., Pongpinyoopas, S. ., & Jamjang, K. . (2023). Strategies for Managing Early Childhood Education in Schools Under Kamphaeng Phet Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 and Office 2. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 17(2), 587–603.



Research Article