The Effects of Using Context-Based Learning Activities for Developing Proportional Reasoning Ability of Mathayomsuksa 1 Students


  • Nisamani Sriboonruang Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10220
  • Wandee Kasemsukpipat Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10220
  • Songchai Ugsornkid Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10220



Proportional reasoning, Proportional reasoning ability, Context-based learning


The objectives of this research were to study proportional reasoning ability during and after using context-based learning activities. The sample consisted of 19 Mathayomsuksa 1 students in academic year 2020 at a school in Bangkok, who were selected using cluster random sampling. The research instruments consisted of lesson plans using context-based learning, a proportional reasoning ability test, and worksheets. The data from a proportional reasoning ability test were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, which are frequency, mean, and percentage, and comparative statistics, one-sample t-test, for testing hypothesis. The data from worksheet were analyzed by using content analysis to summarize the effect of context-based learning activities on proportional reasoning ability during learning through the activities. The results of students’ proportional reasoning ability during the activities showed that students were able to demonstrate strategies for solving a wide range of proportional situations, such as using pictures, tables, rule of three, or using equivalent ratios to find answers. The students expressed understanding the concepts of proportions and proportional situations. The proportional reasoning ability after learning activities showed that the students’ proportional reasoning ability higher than the criteria of 60% at the .05 level of significance the proportional reasoning ability score in aspects of were solving proportion situations of the equivalent ratios with multiplication, comparing ratios, and finding missing value met the criteria of 60%.


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ตาราง 2 เกณฑ์การให้คะแนนความสามารถในการให้เหตุผลเชิงสัดส่วน




How to Cite

Sriboonruang, N., Kasemsukpipat , W. . ., & Ugsornkid, S. . . (2024). The Effects of Using Context-Based Learning Activities for Developing Proportional Reasoning Ability of Mathayomsuksa 1 Students. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 18(1), 334–347.



Research Article