Enhancing Purposes in Life for Youth Development





Purposes in life, Youth development, Thai youth


Purpose in life is an intention that leads one's life direction, based on personal beliefs, values, and needs. It affects one's decisions and actions, leading to self-development to benefit both oneself and others, and giving a sense of personal meaningfulness. Therefore, purpose in life is an important issue of positive youth development and is also in accord with the new paradigm of education, which its goals are not only to improve students' knowledge and skills but also to enhance intrinsic values and motivation for lifelong learning. The purpose of this paper is to present knowledge about purposes in life from international and domestic literature reviews promoting further studies. The topics of this paper include 1) history of the purpose in life concept 2) meaning of purpose in life 3) components of purpose in life 4) purpose in life measurements and 5) guidelines enhancing purpose in life of youth in 6 steps; preparing, relationship building, self-inquiry and learning new concepts, learning plan with goal connected to purpose, action, and reflection. The guidelines can be applied and implemented for youth development in each context to empower youth to live their lives and to foster skills for learning what they feel interested in.


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ภาพ 1 ระดับการมีเป้าหมายชีวิต (Bronk et al., 2010)




How to Cite

Sumamal, A. ., & Meepan, W. . (2024). Enhancing Purposes in Life for Youth Development. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 18(1), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.14456/psruhss.2024.1



Academic article