The Model for Teachers’ Empowerment in Assessment-Based Learning Management to Enhance Instructional Behaviors that Reflect Positive Washback
Teacher empowerment, Assessment-based learning managementAbstract
The washback effect is both positive and negative effects of high stake testing on teacher learning management. The main objective of this research was to develop a model of teacher empowerment in assessment-based learning management to promote positive washback behaviors. The sample group consisted of 12 teachers, including Pratomsuksa 6 teachers, Mathayomsuksa 3 teachers, and Mathayomsuksa 6 teachers. The research instrument was the washback-reflecting instructional behaviors questionnaire. The data was analyzed by means, standard deviation, and Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The finding of this research was as follows: The model for teachers’ empowerment in assessment-based learning management to enhance instructional behaviors that reflect positive washback consisted of 6 components: (1) an analysis of the instructional behaviors that reflected washback; (2) an assessment-based learning management skills development (3) an assessment-based learning management (4) a monitoring and enhancement (5) an assessment of the instructional behaviors that reflects washback; and (6) the use of the assessment results which have utility, accuracy, feasibility, and propriety. The targeted teachers in using the model had more positive washback behaviors after using the model at statistical significance at the .01 level.
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