A Study of TOD Indicators Affecting the Urban Quality: Case Study of Chiang Mai Light Rail Transit Project





Transit-oriented development (TOD), Chiang mai light rail transit, Urban sustainable development


The rapid growth of urban area and economy of Chiang Mai (Urbanization) directly affect the urban quality such as traffic congestion and air pollution. In attempt to fix the above problem. Therefore, the Chiang Mai light rail project was established. Which has adopted the concept of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) was used to develop projects for Chiang Mai to grow in accordance with the development of the country. This article has two objectives: 1) To study the TOD Indicators under the context of Chiang Mai City; by studying and reviewing the literature and take lessons from successful practices 2) to select TOD indicators of areas surrounding the Chiang Mai. Mass transit station. Through surveying the areas surrounding the light rail stations in 9 areas and synthesizing factors suitable for urban quality development within the context of Chiang Mai. The results of the study obtained 15 indicators from 3 aspects from the concept of urban sustainable development (Urban Sustainable Development) are 1) social and Cultural aspects, 2) physical and Environmental aspects, and 3) economic aspects, which is information for the strategy development and appropriate urban planning.


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ภาพ 1 พื้นที่พัฒนา TOD จังหวัดเชียงใหม่ ทั้ง 9 บริเวณ




How to Cite

Tanburana, S., & Shummadtayar, U. (2024). A Study of TOD Indicators Affecting the Urban Quality: Case Study of Chiang Mai Light Rail Transit Project. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 18(1), 348–363. https://doi.org/10.14456/psruhss.2024.24



Research Article