Antecedents of Stakeholder Relationships for Competitive Advantages and Investor Trust Influencing the Corporate Sustainability of Companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand
Stakeholder relationships, Competitive advantages, Investor trust, Corporate sustainability, The stock exchange of thailandAbstract
The purposes of this study were to 1) the causal relationship model of corporate sustainability of companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand consisted of stakeholder relationships, the firm’s competitive advantages, and investor trust was congruent with the empirical data, and 2) stakeholder relationships, firm’s competitive advantages, and investor trust had a significant effect on corporate sustainability of companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The information was gathered through 422 sets of questionnaires distributed to companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The inferential statistical method was used to test hypotheses using structural equation modeling. The findings revealed as follows: 1) The research model was congruent with the empirical data (Chi-square/df = .851, p-value = .950, RMR = .040, GFI = .914, RMSEA = .000, and CFI = 1.000) and 2) Stakeholder relationships: employee relationships, customer relationships, supplier relationships, and public relationships had a significant direct effect on firm’s competitive advantages were equal to .543, .501, .384 and .283 respectively, Firm’s competitive advantages had a significant direct effect on both corporate sustainability of companies and investor trust were equal to .444 and .441 respectively and Investor trust had a significant direct effect on corporate sustainability of companies was equal to .772.
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