Development of Learning Achievement in Circulatory System by using Open My Heart Animation with The 5Es of Inquiry-Based Learning for Secondary 2
Animation, The 5Es inquiry-based learning, Circulatory system, AchievementAbstract
The objectives of this research were to 1) develop Open my Heart animation with the 5Es of inquiry-based learning 2) compare the learning achievement in circulatory system between pretest and posttest by using Open my Heart animation with the 5Es of inquiry-based learning and 3) study the satisfaction on learning activity by using Open my Heart animation with the 5Es of inquiry-based learning. The sample were 38 Secondary 2/4 students at Khiansaphitthayakhom school, selected by cluster random sampling. The instruments were 1) lesson plan by using the 5Es of inquiry-based Learning 2) Open my Heart animation 3) achievement test and 4) the satisfaction questionnaire. Statistics were E1/E2, E.I., Mean, Standard Deviation, and t-test (Dependent Samples). The research findings showed that: 1) The efficiency of Open my Heart animation with the 5Es of inquiry-based learning was 84.34/80.13 and effectiveness was 0.69 2) The learning achievement by using Open my Heart animation with the 5Es of inquiry-based learning was posttest higher than pretest significant at the .01 level. and 3) The students’ satisfaction on learning activity by using Open my Heart animation with the 5Es of inquiry-based in highest level ( = 4.70, S.D. = 0.02)
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