The Life Course of Former Adolescent Families As Agent within the Socio-Cultural Context of Khon Kaen province
Human agency, Adolescent families, Life course, Adolescent families life courseAbstract
The purpose of this article is to study the life course of former adolescent families as agents. This study uses a qualitative phenomenological research approach with a retrospective study method, analyzing family-level, data collected through interviews with a target group, which includes former adolescent families. These families transitioned from being teenagers to parents while aged between 15 and 19 years and having children who were born during the ages during that time. A total of 8 families were studied. The results show that adolescent families had an average age of 18.0 years for fathers and 16.9 years for mothers when they transitioned into parenthood. Adolescent families are families that strive to determine their life course. Important conditions that affect the ability to act as decision-makers in adolescent families include characteristics of adolescent families, original family background, social interaction and support. With the above conditions, adolescent families act as family builders. student or student social membership and those planning different future family life course.
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