Food Recipes of the Thai Raman based on Authenticity
Thai-raman perception, Recipe, AuthenticityAbstract
The objective of this research article is to: 1) study the dietary patterns of the Ramkhamhaeng ethnic group, 2) develop the dietary patterns of the Thai Ramkhamhaeng ethnic group, and 3) study the nutritional value of the dietary patterns of the Thai Ramkhamhaeng ethnic group. This is an applied research aimed at bringing research results into development. Qualitative data was collected through in-depth interviews and group discussions, analyzed qualitatively through content analysis, and quantitative data was collected and analyzed using mean values and standard deviations.
The research findings indicate that the main sources of raw materials for most ordinary. Thais are obtained from natural resources. Some are grown at home, in fields, or purchased from local markets. Fish is the primary source of animal protein consumed. The staple foods in daily life mainly consist of curries, grilled dishes, and chili paste. They have been divided into two categories savory and sweet dishes by gathering recipes that are utilized in everyday life and at different events. After standardizing and evaluating these recipes' nutritional value, it was found that the majority of dishes provide energy, carbohydrates, fats, and minimal sugars, with high dietary fiber and calcium content and moderate sodium levels. For example, per serving of grilled fish with basil leaves, there is approximately 60.60 kilocalories of energy, 3.08 grams of carbohydrates, 7.27 grams of protein, 2.14 grams of fat, 0.71 grams of dietary fiber, 94.95 milligrams of calcium, and 243.09 milligrams of sodium.
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