Interpretation of Elderly Curator through Ratchadamnoen Exhibition Curated by Museum Siam
Interpretation, Alternative museum, Traces of ratchadamnoen: tran-generation exhibition, Elderly curator, Museum siamAbstract
This research aimed to study the interpretation of elderly curators in the modern alternative museums through the trace of Ratchadamnoen exhibitions, curated by Museum Siam. Using a qualitative research approach, data were collected from documents, interviews with elderly curators, and on-site data from the trace of Ratchadamnoen exhibitions, a rotating exhibition held from July 2 to October 31, 2020, curated by Museum Siam, located in Phra Nakhon, Bangkok, Thailand. The findings indicated that this exhibition had a process of shaping its identity through the voices of elderly curators. The museum held memories and histories of the elderly as narratives linked by individuals, buildings, places, and objects along with Ratchadamnoen Avenue. This exhibition had maintained and reconstructed personal memories to reflect societal contexts at certain points in time, showcasing the diverse perspectives of the elderly on Ratchadamnoen Avenue. Additionally, it reflected the museum's role in addressing the issues of today's aging society. The museum functioned as an information center, emphasizing diverse forms of communication. The trace of Ratchadamnoen exhibitions served as a model for new alternative exhibitions in Thai society, emphasizing the participation of museum curators and the elderly and presenting equitable memories. The exhibition functioned as a realm of memory, presenting the museum’s vision from the bottom-up, which highlighted the equal value and significance of the voices of ordinary people.
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