Effective Administration in According with Good Governance of the Police Station Attached to the Provincial Police Region 2


  • Suppamongkol Thanomnim Chao Phraya University
  • Jin Wipataglads Chao Phraya University
  • Winai Rungsinan Chao Phraya University


Good Governance, Effective Administration of the Police station


The objectives of the research were 1) to study the levels of the effective administration in according with good governance and the levels of the effectiveness of the police station attached to the provincial police region 2, 2) to study the factors of the effective administration in according with good governance affecting the effectiveness of the police station attached to the provincial police region 2. The population was 69,600 public service recipients who had received service from 9 January to 9 March 2016 from the police station attached to the provincial police region 2. The respondents were 441 public service recipients who had received service from the police station attached to the provincial police region 2 from 9 January to 9 March, 2016 by accidental random sampling. The instruments were 5 rating scales questionnaires. The data were analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, one sample t-test to access the statistical significance between mean and test value (3.50) and analyzed with stepwise multiple regressions method. The research results have indicated that 1) the levels of the effective administration in according with good governance and the levels of the effectiveness of the police station attached to the provincial police region 2 were high statistically significant level .01. 2) There were 7 factors of the effective administration in according with good governance affecting the effectiveness of the police station attached to the provincial police region 2 as follows: rule of law, decentralization, responsiveness, equity, participation, transparency and accountability affecting the effective administration of the police station in the region of provincial region 2. All of them could predict the effectiveness of the police station in the region of provincial region 2 statistically significant level .01 at 54.80 percent.


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How to Cite

Thanomnim, S., Wipataglads, J., & Rungsinan, W. (2017). Effective Administration in According with Good Governance of the Police Station Attached to the Provincial Police Region 2. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, 12(1), 205–217. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/GraduatePSRU/article/view/85473



Research Article