Factors Affecting on Consumers’ Product Purchase Intention through TikTok

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ฺBamrungphong Phongphanich
Orachan Sirichote


TikTok plays an important role for communication today. Merchandisers have used TikTok as a channel for selling products by content marketing and brand identity communication, which can increase customers’ perception. This research aimed to investigate the factors that influenced consumers’ intention to buy products through TikTok. The sample consisted of 400 customers who shopped from TikTok. The research instrument was an online questionnaire. Data was analyzed via frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis. The results revealed that content marketing, which consisted of functional information, social interaction, and brand interaction, as well as brand identity had a statistically significant effect on consumers’ purchase intention at 0.05. Moreover, the findings will be beneficial for merchandisers to develop and communicate through content marketing and brand identity in order to create interest and attract consumers. On the other hand, consumers can use information of content marketing and brand identity that merchandisers communicate to make purchase decision. Entrepreneurs or related agencies can use the results of this research to improve brand identity in order to respond to customer needs and train content marketing and brand identity for merchandisers on TikTok.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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