Consumer Attitudes Toward Social Media Influencers Affecting Brand Image and Online Purchase Intentions

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Shanyapat Amphansookko


This research aimed to study the attitude of consumers on social media influencers which had an impact on brand image and online purchase intentions. The participants consisted of 385 consumers, aged 20 and over, who have known social media influencers. The research instrument for collecting data was an online questionnaire with an index of item objective congruence over 0.50 and a total reliability of 0.866. Statistics used for data analysis were mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis. The research revealed that consumers’ attitudes toward social media influencers and brand image were at a good level while online purchase intention was at a high level. The participant’s attitudes toward social media influencers in terms of respect, similarity, and expertise represented a significantly positive impact on brand image. Attitudes, in terms of similarity, respect, and trustworthiness, showed a significantly positive impact on online purchase intentions. Moreover, brand image in all aspects had a significantly positive impact on online purchase intentions with the most impactful aspect being brand attitude, followed by brand benefits and attributes, respectively. The information from this research can be useful for brand owners in selecting suitable social media influencers for conducting marketing activities.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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