A Structural Equation Modeling of The Relationship Between Micro Influencers, Customer Engagement, Brand Trust and Purchase Intention of Mechanical Keyboard in The Thai Market

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Worapoj Sirichareechai
Pusita Sitthakunakul


The aims of this research were as follows: 1) to investigate the influence of micro-influencers, customer engagement, and brand trust on purchase intention, and 2) to analyze the influence of serial mediation variables of customer engagement and brand trust on the relationship between micro-influencers and purchase intention for a mechanical keyboard. In this study, a questionnaire was used as the data collection tool. The samples of this study were 252 people who used mechanical keyboards in Thailand, who had seen or heard content from micro-influencers, and who had tried real mechanical keyboards within the past year. The data was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).

The study found that micro-influencers had a direct impact on purchase intention, customer engagement, and brand trust. While the influence of micro-influencers on reliability, content quality, and parasocial interaction had an indirect impact on purchase intention through customer engagement and brand trust in serial. The results of the study were useful for marketers and marketing agencies in utilizing the data from the analysis for designing marketing communication strategies through micro-influencers, and for selecting micro-influencers that are suitable for the type of keyboard products.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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