Community Participation in Community-Based Tourism Management at Pattani Bay

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Darinna Khahong
Umaporn Muneenam
Noodchanath Kongchouy


This study aimed to study 1) patterns of community participation in community-based tourism (CBT) management at Pattani Bay, and 2) the level of community participation in community-based tourism management. This study was regarded as mixed methods research. For the qualitative method, the data were gathered from 17 key informants who directly involved with Pattani Bay CBT through in-depth interviews using a semi-structure interviewing form. The data were analyzed using content analysis to organize and code the data. As for the quantitative method, data were gathered from participants aged 20 and above who lived in the Pattani Bay area, which included Muang District and Yaring District in Pattani Province. The questionnaires were utilized to collect data from 343 samples using a simple random sampling technique based on household ratio. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, namely, percentage, frequency, mean, and standard deviation. Moreover, the R statistical software package were used to analyze the data. The findings demonstrated that the Pattani Bay CBT participation pattern was a mixed participation pattern that included both induced and natural participation. The overall participation level in the management of Pattani Bay CBT was moderate (Mean = 2.98, S.D. = 1.40) and significantly different. In addition, the results could help relevant organizations promote procedures to encourage participation in developing sustainable CBT.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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