The Influence Patterns Of School Administrators’ Academic Leadership On School Effectiveness Under The Office Of Secondary Educational Service Area 22


  • Yupaporn Klongklaew PhD Candidate Educational Administration, Bangkok-Thonburi University
  • Prapatpong Senarith PhD Educational Administration, Bangkok-Thonburi University
  • Olan Karnchanakas PhD Educational Administration, Bangkok-Thonburi University


Academic Leadership, Effectiveness of Secondary Schools


The purposes of the research were 1) to investigate influential types of academic leadership affecting the effectiveness of basic education school administrators under Secondary Educational Service Area Office 22 and 2) to assess the influential academic leadership types affecting the effectiveness of basic education school administrators under Secondary Educational Service Area Office 22 with the empirical data. The sample subjects of the study were three hundred and forty one personnel of basic education schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 22. Krejcie & Morgan table was employed for calculating the sample size. They were selected by simple random sampling. The target population was nine specialists in
educational administration selected by purposive sampling. The research instrument was a 5-point-rating scale with open-ended questionnaire and in-depth interview form for nine informants. The SPSS computer program was used to analyze data through descriptive statistics, correlation, and factor analysis. 1. The research findings showed that the academic leadership of the basic education school administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 22 consisted of three major factors with thirteen minor factors. The 1st major components were knowledge, tasks and skills. The 2nd major components was academic effectiveness of the basic education school administrators with five subcomponents: teaching profession development, collaborative goal setting, monitoring and feedback of teaching and learning management, environment development and school learning culture and maintaining the good relationships among teachers, students, students’ parents, and community. The 3rd major factors of learning community development with five minor factors: personal mastery, mental models, shared vision, team learning and systems thinking respectively. 2. The findings indicated that that the chi-square values were not significantly different from the centers. The X value was 90.88, the degree of freedom (df.) was 72 and the p-value was
0.066. The harmonious index (GFI) was 0.967. The harmonic index (AGFI) was 0.930, and the average index of RMR was 0.006. The results indicated that the influential types of academic leadership were consistent with the empirical data. Keywords : Academic Leadership, Effectiveness of Secondary Schools


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How to Cite

Klongklaew, Y., Senarith, P., & Karnchanakas, O. (2019). The Influence Patterns Of School Administrators’ Academic Leadership On School Effectiveness Under The Office Of Secondary Educational Service Area 22. Chophayom Journal, 30(3), 97–108. retrieved from



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