Strategies of Rhyme Usage in the Sacred Discourses in the Northeastern Region


  • Chumporn Thukhokkruat PhD students in Thai language Faculty of Liberal Arts Phayao University 0892767849
  • Worawat Sriyapai Assistant Professor in Thai Language, Faculty of Liberal Arts Phayao University
  • Kanlaya Kulsuwan Assistant Professor Thai language field Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University


Sacred Discourses, Rhyme, Northeastern Region


This article aimed to study strategies of rhyme usage in sacred discourse in the northeastern region. The data used for the analysis were 400 texts of blessing chanting in Isan version. The results of the analysis revealed that Isan sacred discourse consisted of 3 strategies of rhyme usage: vowel rhyme, consonant rhyme and the tonal rhyme. The vowel rhyme was found in use of 2 patterns, namely, the vowel rhyme between the lines and the vowel rhyme within the lines. The vowel rhyme in the lines was found in use of 6 patterns and the consonant rhyme was found in use of 7 patterns, while the tonal rhyme was found in use of only one expression. Keywords : Sacred Discourses, Rhyme, Northeastern Region


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How to Cite

Thukhokkruat, C., Sriyapai, W., & Kulsuwan, K. (2019). Strategies of Rhyme Usage in the Sacred Discourses in the Northeastern Region. Chophayom Journal, 30(3), 55–64. retrieved from



Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences