Southern Folk Music Identity


  • Kittichai Rattanaphan Music Program Graduate School, Bunditpatanasilpa Institute
  • Supunnee Leuaboonshoo Music Program Graduate School, Bunditpatanasilpa Institute
  • Bamrung Phattayakul Music Program Graduate School, Bunditpatanasilpa Institute


Identity, Thai Buddhist southern folk music, Thai Muslim southern folk music


This research article on southern folk music identity is qualitative research which is used as a guideline for creative work of fine arts. The study aimed at studying the knowledge and identity of southern folk music which is conducted by setting the content scope of the band, music instruments, rhythms of Natub, melodies, lyrics, music levels, and form. The research tools consisted of a survey, and a structured interview. and a list of topics used in group discussions. By using qualitative research methods from 3 informants' target groups and studying the folk music identity of the upper southern region and folk music of the lower southern region. The study found that there were two groups of southern folk music; the Thai Buddhist southern music group and the Thai Muslim southern music group. The instruments are the same ones used in Nora, Nang Talung, and Ronggeng Dance. The rhythms of Natub in the Thai Buddhist southern folk music consist of 4 rhythms. The rhythms of Natub in the southern Thai Muslim folk music group consists of 7 rhythms. The melodies of the southern folk music are short and repetitive. The music with slow rhythms is two strokes and the music with fast rhythms is one stroke, and the lyrics are found in Nora, Nang Talung. The music levels of the Thai Buddhist group rely on the pitch of the Pi and Gongku whereas the music levels of Thai Muslim group rely on diatonic scales both major and minor. The form of the music combines the rhythm, the melody, and the tone color of the sounds in the same direction. The forms of the song are varied. The beginning and the ending of the song are improvised in the form of AA/ AB/ AA B. Keyword: Identity, Thai Buddhist southern folk music, Thai Muslim southern folk music


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How to Cite

Rattanaphan, K., Leuaboonshoo, S., & Phattayakul, B. (2023). Southern Folk Music Identity. Chophayom Journal, 34(2), 56–80. retrieved from



Research Article