Content and Language Use Found on the Facebook Page “Kru Sao Wao Puen” (Gossip Miss Teacher)


  • Chiamchai Sairat Department of Thai, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mahasarakham University
  • Mudjalin Luksanawong Department of Thai, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mahasarakham University


Content, Language Use, Social Media, Facebook Page “Kru Sao Wao Puen”


The objective of the present article is to study the content and language use found on the Facebook page “Kru Sao Wao Puen” (Gossip Miss Teacher) by collecting data from posts from January 1 to December 31, 2022. There are 912 posts in total. The finding reveals that, in terms of content, the most common topic found is teacher’s personal lives. The content on the topic of teachers’ duties, on people involved in educational institutes, announcements, and public relations content were also found, respectively. The topic of content that was least found was economy and teacher welfare. In terms of language, the use of local dialects was the most common. Punctuations, foreign language words, deviance of parts of speech in Thai language, acronyms, special typos, repetition, exclamation, metaphor, symbols, rhyme, and homonyms were found, respectively. The least common language use found was hashtags. In the studies on the use of images, the most common use of aliases was found, followed by aptitude, simile, hyperbole, metaphor, metonymy, reference, symbol, axiom, and paradox, respectively, and the least common was hyperbole. The results of the study reflect that language influences communication and how stories are conveyed by people to a group of people interested in the same topic by using a communication style that is outstanding and unique to create a memorable image for the receivers to create changes in the group by using interesting content and language.

Keywords: content, language use, social media, Facebook page “Kru Sao Wao Puen”


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How to Cite

Sairat, C. ., & Luksanawong, M. (2024). Content and Language Use Found on the Facebook Page “Kru Sao Wao Puen” (Gossip Miss Teacher). Chophayom Journal, 35(1), 272–298. Retrieved from



Research Article