Enhancing Translators in the Eastern Economic Corridor: a Training Program for Workplace-Specific Translation and Interpretation


  • Todsaporn It-ngam Language Institute, Burapha University
  • Piyaporn Pornsuriya Language Institute, Burapha University
  • Phanphaka Rungruang Haworth Language Institute, Burapha University
  • Korapat Pruekchaikul Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities, Kasetsart University
  • Suparak Techacharoenrungrueang Department of English, Faculty of Humanities, Chiangmai University
  • Pansek Arthornturasook Department of Oriental Languages, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Burapha University


Eastern Economic Corridor, Translation, Interpretation, Competency Development


The Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) is an area with foreign investment and world-famous tourist attractions, so there is an increasing demand for translators in the area. This research aims to develop a training program to enhance translation and interpretation capabilities for language translation practitioners in workplaces in the EEC area and to develop a new generation of language translation practitioners who specialize in the context of the EEC area. The research methodology included developing a training program to enhance the competencies of translators, which consisted of training content in 8 topics and 3 field study trips to local communities. This training program covers the development of knowledge, skills, attitudes, personality traits, and motivation to become a translator. The research participants included 16 undergraduates and graduates in Korean, Chinese, Japanese, and English. The participants underwent the training program and worked on translation tasks for 10 months. They were assessed for their development in 7 areas of competency by their advisor and themselves at the beginning and end of the project. The research results found that the participants were satisfied with the training program and had better development results in all 7 areas of competency. The participants are, therefore, equipped with both hard skills and soft skills to become translators in workplaces in the EEC area. However, the results reflect that the communication and collaboration competency is still a major challenge for translators for future work.

Keywords: Eastern Economic Corridor, Translation, Interpretation, Competency Development


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How to Cite

It-ngam, T., Pornsuriya, P., Rungruang Haworth, P., Pruekchaikul, K., Techacharoenrungrueang, S., & Arthornturasook, P. (2024). Enhancing Translators in the Eastern Economic Corridor: a Training Program for Workplace-Specific Translation and Interpretation. Chophayom Journal, 35(1), 139–164. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ejChophayom/article/view/272787



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