Development of Third Language Short Course to Enhance the Potential of Personnel in Tourism Industry : A Case Study of Khao Sok National Park, Suratthani
Short course development, third language, personnel potential enhancement, tourism industry, Khao Sok National ParkAbstract
This research aims to 1) study the demand for a third language for guiding tours by tour guides working in Khao Sok National Park, Suratthani Province, and 2) develop a prototype short course in a third language for guiding tours in Khao Sok National Park. It employs a mixed-methods approach, qualitative and quantitative, comprising five steps: step 1 involves studying basic information through qualitative research, gathering data via group discussions with 15 participants, including tour guides and individuals
involved in tourism activities in the area. step 2 involves drafting the curriculum through qualitative research, again using group discussions
with a curriculum drafting committee of five members. step 3 is the evaluation of the draft curriculum through quantitative research, using questionnaires completed by three foreign language tourism experts. step 4 involves testing the curriculum and studying the results through quantitative research, with questionnaires completed by 50 training participants. step 5 is the revision of the curriculum, a qualitative step, using group discussions with the five-member curriculum drafting committee. The research results from Step 1 identified the tour guides' needs for third language development in the area. Step 2 resulted in a draft curriculum for a French language course for trekking activities in Khao Sok National Park. In Step 3, experts agreed that the curriculum details were 100% appropriate for implementation. Step 4 found that satisfaction levels with the course were very high in all aspects. In Step 5, the committee
revised the curriculum to enhance its relevance and user-friendliness. The short course in a third language developed through this research is aligned with the actual tourism situation in the area and meets the real needs of its users. It can be used as a prototype and further developed into a travel guide in other foreign languages.
Keywords: Short course development, third language, personnel potential enhancement, tourism industry, Khao Sok National Park,
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