Media Exposure Behavior of Thai Television Drama by Kantana Group Public Company Limited, Affecting Uses and Gratification of Generation Z Viewers in Bangkok


  • Bowonwong Suknuck Master student, Master of Communication Art Program in Strategic Communications, Bangkok University
  • Pornprom Chomngam Communication and New Media Department, School of Communication Arts, Bangkok University


Media exposure behavior, Uses and gratification, Thai television drama, Generation Z


A Study on media exposure behavior of Thai television drama by Kantana Group Public Company Limited, affecting uses and gratification of Generation Z viewers in Bangkok. The objectives of this study are : 1) To investigate the exposure to Thai television dramas by Kantana Group Public Company Limited among
Generation Z viewers in Bangkok. 2) To examine the uses and gratification derived from Thai television dramas by Kantana Group Public Company Limited among Generation Z viewers in Bangkok. 3) To study media exposure behavior of Thai television drama by Kantana Group Public Company Limited, affecting uses and gratification of Generation Z viewers in Bangkok. The sample for this study consists of 200 Generation Z television drama viewers aged 18-27, both male and female, residing in Bangkok. Questionnaires
were used as the data collection tool, and the data was analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation statistics.
The results of the study reveal that 1) The majority of the sample group considered the capability is the most important media exposure behavior to Thai television dramas, especially drama’s engaging content and plot development. 2) The sample group viewed temporary escape from reality as the most important aspect of uses and gratification, as it provided entertainment and enjoyment after watching the dramas. 3) Media exposure behavior of Thai television drama by Kantana Group Public Company Limited, affecting uses and gratification of Generation Z viewers in Bangkok, with statistical significance at the 0.01 level.

Keywords: public relations strategy, social media, decision-making process, event marketing, customer groups


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How to Cite

Suknuck, B., & Chomngam, P. (2024). Media Exposure Behavior of Thai Television Drama by Kantana Group Public Company Limited, Affecting Uses and Gratification of Generation Z Viewers in Bangkok. Chophayom Journal, 35(3), 161–181. retrieved from