Factors Influencing Retention of the Employees of Emme Power 2789 Company


  • Nantana Pumrueang Business and Human Capital Development Master of Arts/North Bangkok University


Employee retention, Factors affecting employee retention, Emme Power 2789 Company


Emme Power 2789 Co., Ltd. recognizes the importance of employee retention and conducted a survey to gauge employee satisfaction. The objective of this research was to investigate the factors influencing employee turnover at Emme Power 2789 Co., Ltd. and to identify strategies for improving the work environment to enhance employee retention. The target population for this study consisted of all 87 employees at Emme Power 2789 Co., Ltd. A sample size of at least 72 employees was determined using an online survey to collect data on various factors influencing employees' decisions to stay or leave the organization, such as job satisfaction, relationships with coworkers and supervisors, benefits, and development opportunities.
The data analysis revealed that a majority of employees were satisfied with their work at Emme Power 2789 Co., Ltd., particularly in terms of relationships with supervisors and coworkers, indicating a positive work environment within the organization. However, the research also highlighted that some employees felt a lack of opportunities for professional development, a significant factor influencing their long-term commitment to the company. Upon closer examination, it was found that the strongest predictor of employee retention was the quality of relationships with supervisors and coworkers.
The research findings indicated that Emme Power 2789 Co.,Ltd. had a strong foundation in interpersonal relationships within the organization. However, to enhance its competitive advantage and retain talented employees, the company should prioritize employee development, particularly by creating opportunities for learning and skill development. Additionally, improving employee benefits and working conditions would be crucial in boosting employee satisfaction and loyalty.

Keywords: Employee retention, Factors affecting employee retention, Emme Power 2789 Company


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How to Cite

Pumrueang, N. (2024). Factors Influencing Retention of the Employees of Emme Power 2789 Company. Chophayom Journal, 35(3), 123–138. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ejChophayom/article/view/276343