Guidelines for Human Capital Development to Promote the Business Morlam Folk Art


  • Rungkanya Pochaisan Business and Human Capital Development/Master of Arts North Bangkok University


Morlam, Traditional arts and crafts business, Human capital development


The objective of this research were to 1) Study the general conditions of human capital development in promoting the folk art business of Morlam 2) Study the process of human capital development in promoting the folk art business of Morlam 3) Study the guidelines for human capital development in promoting the folk art business of Morlam. This research was conducted using indepth interview techniques using semi-tructured interviews from 15 key informants. The study found that: 1. Artists love and are proud of Morlam art, are determined to practice and develop their talents. To be Morlam artists can generate income for the artists. The unique identity of Morlam can attract tourists and create economic value. The weakness of Morlam is the lack of knowledge in managing the Morlam Circle. Moreover, the income of Morlam still depends on hiring from the host. The opportunity is to use social media channels Tiktok, Youtube, Facebook for spreading to the new generation more, the government and private sectors support investment. The obstacle is that the Morlam circle has high competition in the entertainment industry both domestically and internationally. 2. Input factors include: 1. Human resource development 2. Resource management 3. Application of technology. Process: 1. Potential development through education and training 2. Evaluation 3. Networking and cooperation 4. Application and extension 5. Professional management. Output: 1. Popularity dimension 2. Personnel dimension 3. Economic dimension 4. Social dimension 3. Morlam Culture should be instilled so that artists have love and pride in the Morlam profession and the Morlam circle structure should be adjusted. In addition, there should be a human capital development system that has skills, knowledge, and abilities that must adapt to the changes of the era.

Keywords: Morlam, Traditional arts and crafts business, Human capital development


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How to Cite

Pochaisan, R. (2024). Guidelines for Human Capital Development to Promote the Business Morlam Folk Art. Chophayom Journal, 35(3), 207–228. retrieved from